A boy came into the world... shy, soft spoken, obedient, a boy loved beyond means by his parents..... so much love that he never ever thought about the perilous world that lay out of his own house, out of his mother's shed..... everyone thought that this guy's too soft to make a mark on this crude world..... he faced the world bravely fearing the worst.... he faltered and there wasn't his mother to lift him up from the dusty earth... but he found someone who helped him stand up again and face this world with a feeling that he's not alone.... he called this someone-FRIEND!!!.... after all he has learnt to face this world with a brave heart.... but there was more to learn..... nobody believed that this guy who knew just to be loved, could love someone in return..... but as if to prove them wrong life one day brought up an angel in-front of him..... an angel so beautiful, so caring that the world seemed to change for him.... the angel took care of him and loved him beyond every possible means.... but still everyone thought that he still hasn't learnt to Love.... and one day the angel went away..... he cried and cried and wished for the angel to return.... Suddenly there was this blinding light and d angel was right there in front of him with arms open for him to run and embrace her.... Has he learnt to Love??? u never know..... There's always so much to learn..... and life teaches you everything in life whether you want to learn or not.... and he is still learning..... and he will forever learn..... This, my friend is the story of a boy, who was transformed into a man by life....
well written mr. satyaki....never knew even u had d flame of writting in u....keep it up...n continue d habit...keep up d good work....n yeah learning never has its end...n even I'm also learning...very tough though but yes we still r learning....
even angels have their share of agony... though they commit to take care of u... angels do falter... nd silly humans stil look upto them for lighting the way
and then heavens heaped their wrath on her... "blasphemous! how could u put urself before others"
and she buries wat she craved for... and returns to the world of learning.. of finding love she abondoned.
love...she sure did run after dat elusion...only to discover its true meaning
gr8 writing man..i nevr knew u had dis bend 4 writting.i think u shud hav gone 4 literature insted of engg.carry on boss.cool job.
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