A bad day at the office...... a heated quarrel with someone on road....... an unreasonable rebuke from your elders..... a day when nothings going your way......
Thats when the thin wire called 'Temper' snaps....... thats when you let loose something vicious, something primitive- something that civilized people call 'Anger'! Yes, its primitive and its vicious- because once you let loose that thing you don't generally know where to hold back, and out comes that age old primitive man that is dormant all the time inside you....... Yes, we maybe descendants of the Ape family but can you tell me an important reason why we evolved from them to become the superiors of this world? Yes, i think we are thinking on the same lines now. A very important reason was our inherent quality to control our own ancestral animosity. We could master the art of containing our animosity and look how far we've progressed....... Then i want to ask everyone that why tarnish our own image by showing others our ancestral weaknesses...... by letting loose our own animosity on others..... why do we love to hurt people whom we don't like or people who has done some wrong to you?...... Can't we live by controlling our anger and live like the superiors of the world? I'm not asking everyone to give up their anger because its an emotion that the ever so mysterious human mind experiences and emotions make us humans stand out amidst all. All i want us all to do is to channelize our anger into a more positive direction rather than bringing out the animal in us.......
Yes, even i sometimes loose my control and that beast residing inside me tries to rise its ugly head now and again...... but i try my best in channelizing my anger into doing something that'll ease me down and even be a bonus help to me......
So people, let's all kill the beast within us! Well, its not possible to kill the beast, but lets try our might to keep it dormant as much time as possible. Trust me it helps a lot... We were superiors and we will be superiors....... Just don't let that ugly beast residing in you raise itself from its sleep....... I can say one thing for sure- if most of us can control our anger then The World will be a much Better Place to Live in!!!
Dirty roads... Mud covered lanes.... Flooded Fields...... Swelled up ponds..... Dark sky...... Kids drenched in rain running about in the streets...... Ladies disgusted with mud splashing as the car passes by...... The flickering lights of the light post...... Water logged streets and even railway tracks!!!..... Office goers cribbing at the traffic blockade due to the water logging...... Scantily clad little boys jumping and splashing water from a pothole...... The excessive greenery of the surroundings...... So many mysterious birds whistling to their own tunes........ Lovers walking down the alley sharing one umbrella..... Weather department's constant mis-predictions.....
Yes, its time to get drenched in the rain..... Its time to enjoy the beautiful nature...... its time to love and be loved..... its time to enjoy along with your loved ones around, with a mug of coffee, and the rains hitting the black pitch on the road making a monotonous sound...... Yes, my friends, its time for the rains.......
The Monsoons have arrived!!!

Its been raining since the wee hours of the night...... When i raised from my slumber i could feel my face was wet with the pouring rain..... but I'd been so deep in my neverland that i hardly felt anything...... I loved it when the cold drops of rain splashed on my window pane spraying on my face- I loved the feeling....... The water-logged streets, the swelled up pond across my veranda , the droplets of water trickling down from the fern in front of my apartment, the skies being painted with the most wonderful shade of grey that I'd ever witnessed- everything was so serene, so surreal, so beautiful, so lovely, so romantic....... Mother Nature has romance in every aspect of her..... She is so beautiful..... I feel that with so many beauties walking the earth nowadays, nobody would ever have a slightest of chance infront of Her beauty...... But we hardly seem to notice it. We're caught up in our daily lives, in the hustle and bustle of this fast-moving world that we hardly care to adore the most beautiful lady around....... Lets notice her and adore her and preserve her beauty before she ages due to our constant negligence........
Let us all take a look around and say together to our lovely lady Nature- "I Love You"!
The saying goes, "As you sow, So shall you reap"..... i found it very fitting during my schoolboy days..... whatever i did or my friends did had the most perfectly fitting rewards or punishments as you might put it..... but as i crossed my age barriers and stepped into this world of college, my beliefs took a complete U-turn!!! Never had i ever thought that you get rewarded for cheating in your exams- Never had i ever thought that you get accolades for flattery- Never had i ever thought that I'll find a situation that'll throw the saying "All that Glitters is not Gold!" into tantrums!!! i wont say that my hands ain't dirty or that i haven't yet been caught up by this system- a system that sometimes amazes me! Four years and still counting- I've been transformed into a world which applauds deceit, fraudulence, pretense and remains indifferent to simplicity and truthfulness. All my childhood ideologies are defeated now- i live in this world believing this falsehood is truth...... But i search for a much more bigger truth....... the eternal truth....... This world doesn't appreciate truth but someone will definitely someday....... but as of now i can only but say,
Strange are the Ways of this World!!!
A boy came into the world... shy, soft spoken, obedient, a boy loved beyond means by his parents..... so much love that he never ever thought about the perilous world that lay out of his own house, out of his mother's shed..... everyone thought that this guy's too soft to make a mark on this crude world..... he faced the world bravely fearing the worst.... he faltered and there wasn't his mother to lift him up from the dusty earth... but he found someone who helped him stand up again and face this world with a feeling that he's not alone.... he called this someone-FRIEND!!!.... after all he has learnt to face this world with a brave heart.... but there was more to learn..... nobody believed that this guy who knew just to be loved, could love someone in return..... but as if to prove them wrong life one day brought up an angel in-front of him..... an angel so beautiful, so caring that the world seemed to change for him.... the angel took care of him and loved him beyond every possible means.... but still everyone thought that he still hasn't learnt to Love.... and one day the angel went away..... he cried and cried and wished for the angel to return.... Suddenly there was this blinding light and d angel was right there in front of him with arms open for him to run and embrace her.... Has he learnt to Love??? u never know..... There's always so much to learn..... and life teaches you everything in life whether you want to learn or not.... and he is still learning..... and he will forever learn..... This, my friend is the story of a boy, who was transformed into a man by life....